Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ghost Hunting

So I found out today that my bus driver has this team of investigators that go to investigate paranormal activity. I don't believe in ghost myself but if you do check it out! You never know!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Hey! Sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been so wrapped up in homework and other things it really got crazy for a while! Not much is happening...regence week is starting next week...can't wait! Also if you want to follow me closely im also on twitter under Bob Martez! :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy Saturday!

I just wanted to wish everybody a happy saturday! I'll post more on Monday! Have a great weekend! :D

Friday, January 13, 2012

Computer love/ Hate Relationship

So nothing really happened that was worth talking about other than the fact that I am trying to create a minecraft server but for whatever reason people outside my own network connection can't login...Gosh I have such a complicated relationship with computers! Any advice?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fighting back!

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I was sick and in bed all day! I'm just glad to be moving about and eating a little more. I'm still really tired but I really don't feel like laying in that death trap of a bed!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Embarasing moments

Have you ever tried to impress someone and you end up embarassing yourself? That happened to me today. I was talking to someone I just met (won't name names) and I wasn't paying any attention when I was getting off the bus and the next thing I knew I was airborn. As I was talking to (no name) I wound up missing the first step on the bus and fell. Yes I fell off the bus. I was mortified! Then to make things worse I landed in a puddle making it look like I soiled myself. I'm just happy I have a loving mother to come and get me new clothes. Comment if you can relate! :D

Monday, January 9, 2012

Salt lamps and ockward conversations?!?

So today in lunch I was talking to a friend who just broke up with her boyfriend. I told her that I was sad to hear that because they made the PERFECT couple! She has been my friend for a while now and I've always seen her as the nice quiet vergin marry kind of girls. I found out that even the quiet ones have some diva in them! She starts snappin her fingers saying "you don't know where I come from" or "you don't know who I am" Hahaha I nearly died! Then to top my day I saw that my salt lamp has arrived! I'm so happy it couldn't be prettier!! :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

First (Official) blog I am again laying down in my bed when a thought pops in my head...GASP I should start a blog! Why not! Well seeing how I've never really started a blog ever I decided to talk about myself (how exciting) My name is Scott and I am currently a junior in high school I can't wait to get out even though I have no idea what I want to do! I want to eventually start a YouTube channel and I love to play guitar and sing....poorly I might add but really who gives a monkeys behind how I sound it's not like it's going to be something the world will hear...right? Maybe? I don't know.